Death by saturation

  1. Memes follow S curves of adoption.
  2. Meme maximized reach equals loss of significance.
  3. Using nazi/racist/sexist symbols its an strategy to keep memes out of normies hands. 
  4. Using memes in a wrong way it's a way to neutralize it. See 1.
  5. Edgelords are the new hipsters.
  6. Every meme as other culture trends (rock, punk, trap) goes from underground to mainstream. To win a revolution means to lose the original meaning to revolt.
  7. Saturation of significance leads to the death of a meme. See 3.
  8. When your old uncle uses the red pill meme then the “extreme conservative” trend would be dead. See 1,3 & 6.
  9. Bottom up always beats top down.
  10. That's why astroturfing it’s the way to make top down look bottom up.